Flylisted is New England’s premier real estate marketing agency. We are headquartered in the heart of downtown Manchester in a beautiful rustic mill building with a modern interior (our aesthetic). Flylisted has seen exceptional growth since it all started with just our 2 founders. In just 12 months we went from 0 to 7 full-time employees and we are looking to keep the growth going. We emphasize quality and consistency as our foundation and allow creativity to flow through our core. Flylisted is comprised of talented individuals who enjoy autonomy, creativity, working with clients with cameras in hand offering solutions to help our clients strengthen their brand. We are privately funded, we hate the red tape, our employee’s opinions and voices are heard. We are a close-knit team with a massive reach right here in New England.
What we care about
This isn’t for everyone, our team pulls some long days, is on their feet but our employees are visionaries. We are one of the fastest-growing companies of its kind in the region. Each individual contributes to their daily functions but beyond that, they help better our systems, create better processes, collaborate together, hang out together, and are always finding ways to improve what already exists.
Although Flylisted is located in a small city in a small state in a small region of the US, we have big plans. We want to be in a variety of different markets throughout the United States. We have seen just how powerful the content we create can be, the reaches it has, the audiences it reaches, and the revenue it generates that we know it’s not just something that we can do in our small city. If you are growth-minded, entrepreneurial, and want to be a part of a big movement, stay with us!
When the founders got together one thing that drove them the most is that they got to pick who they worked with. Not only have many of our customers been with us since day 1, but we also have deep, long-lasting relationships with many of our clients which makes Flylisted such a great atmosphere. Many of our clients enjoy a good conversation, text us often, share stuff with us on social media, and are all-around fun to work with. We know Debbie in accounting may have been kind with bringing donuts in but no need to paint a smile on here with our clients. They are truly some of the best people and that makes the days awesome!
Being able to be creative at work and try things curious of the results makes every day awesome at Flylisted. We are unlike any other company when it comes to having fun at work. We take our work very seriously but our clients love the creative kick we bring to the table. Jump to Boston and take a client out to lunch, hop on a plane and take a long weekend in Florida with the Flylisted Team, did we mention we like to eat good food? You’ve learned a lot about us, let’s take a moment to learn more about you. If you saw yourself nodding your head to any of the points above, we invite you to apply below.